The thematic repertoire of Marepe’s (b. 1970) work questions his roots: the traditions and culture of his native region of Bahia in Brazil, as well as notions of poverty, colonialism and globalism, are the artist's main concerns. His work is characterised by a personal sensuality combined with a socio-cultural and political verve, symbolised by the use of readymade materials and everyday objects or activities from his home region.
‘Marepe’s work is full of clashes and crossovers – between the traditional and the popular, the local and the foreign, the national and the international, the South and the North, the Brazilian Northeast and Southeast, the personal and the political, the familial and the official, the poor and the rich, high-tech and low-tech, high and low culture. These clashes and crossovers find their echo in different characters as the ambulante, the retirante, the migrant, [...] and the artist himself, who moves from one place to another in the world with his works full of memories and meanings and many possible translations.’
A. Pedrosa, Memory and displacement in the work of Marepe in Marepe, Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin, Galeria Luisa Strina, Sao Paolo and Holzwarth Publications, 2007
Image: Satélite Baldio, 2005, plastic and metal, approx. 200 x 340 x 310 cm
Solo Exhibitions
Group Exhibitions
Selected Institutional Exhibitions
Born in Santo Antonio de Jesus, Brazil
as Marcos Reis Peixoto
Lives and works in Santo Antonio de Jesus, Brazil
Ellipse Foundation, Alcoitão
Inhotim Centro de Arte Contemporânea, Brumadinho
Museu de Arte Contemporânea de São Paulo, São Paulo
mam - Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, São Paulo
Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia, Bahia
The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Tate Collection
Cluster Diving
Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo
Entre o céu e o inverno [Between heaven and winter]
Galleria Franco Noero, Torino
Estranhamente Comum [Strangely Ordinary]
Pinacoteca de São Paulo, São Paulo (catalogue)
Suave Na Nave
Galerie Max Hetzler, Paris
Marepe | Armazém de Mim
Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo
Noticías da Lagoa [News from the Lagoon]
Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin
Anton Kern Gallery, New York
Os Últimos Verdes
Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo
Anton Kern Gallery, New York
Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin
Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo
Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, São Paulo
Veja meu Bem
Tate Modern, London
Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin
Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo
Marepe: vermelho – amarelo – azul – verde
Centre Pompidou, Paris
Museu de Arte da Pampulha, Belo Horizonte
Anton Kern Gallery, New York
Supletivo Manual é Natal
Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo
Casco de Cavalo
Galeria ACBEU, Salvador
Tem Pastas, Seu Costa? Não Nega Besta, Tem Bostal! Você Gosta? Mas Que Resposta, Seu Costa
Restaurante Cia da Índias, Salvador
A Um Palmo Do Nariz
Universidade Federal Da Bahia, Salvador
Espelho No Escuro
Centro Cultural Cruz das Almas, Cruz das Almas
Anton Kern Gallery, New York
Lado B: O Disco de Vinil na Arte Contemporânea Brasileira
Sesc Belenzinho, São Paulo
À Nordeste
Sesc 24 de Maio, São Paulo
A Luta Continua: The Sylvio Perlstein Collection
Hauser & Wirth, New York
Afro-Atlantic Histories
Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand - MASP, São Paulo
Potência e Adversidade - Art from Latin America in the Portuguese collections
Galerias Municipais de Lisboa, Lisbon
Everyday Poetics
Seattle Art Museum
Past/Future/Present: Contemporary Art from the Museum of Modern Art São Paulo
Phoenix Art Museum
As If Sand Were Stone: Latin American Contemporary Art from the AGO Collection
Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto
MAC USP in the 21st century: The Era of Artists
Museu de Arte Contemporânea de São Paulo, São Paulo
BRIC-à-brac: The Jumble of Growth
Today Art Museum, Beijing
Implosion 20
Anton Kern Gallery, New York
Homo Ludens
Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo
Em Polvorosa
MAM Rio, Rio de Janeiro
10th Mercosul Biennial, Porto Alegre
1st TRIO Biennial, Rio de Janeiro
Museu Dançante
MAM, São Paulo
Eu represento os artistas, Revisited
Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo
A Inusitada
Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand - MASP, São Paulo
140 characters
MAM - Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, São Paolo
Permission To Be Global: Latin American Art from the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Collection
CIFO - Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation, Miami, travelled to:
MFA - Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (catalogue)
40 Years Galerie Max Hetzler
Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin (catalogue)
Shelter and Land: Art and Society in Brazil
Museu de Arte do Rio, Rio de Janeiro
Broken Memories
Sao Paulo Biennale
The Living Years
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis
Parque Industrial
Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo
A Giant By Thine Own Nature
Valencian Institute of Modern Art, IVAM, Valencia
En obras. Coleção Teixeira de Freitas
TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, S/C de Tenerife
Mexico: Expected / Unexpected
The Museum of Latin American Art, Long Beach
Chaos and Effect
Itaú Cultural, São Paulo
Under Construction. Art and architecture in Coleção Teixeira de Freitas
TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, S/C de Tenerife
Christmas in July
Yvon Lambert, New York
AFTER UTOPIA - a view on Brazilian contemporary art
Centro Luigi Pecci, Prato
Investigations of a Dog: Works from the FACE Collections
Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudegno, Turin, travelled to:
Ellipse Foundation Art Centre, Alcoitao;
Magasin 3 Stockholm Konsthall, Stockholm
An Unruly History of the Readymade
Colección Jumex, Ecatepec de Morelos
NeoHooDoo: Art for a Forgotten Faith
P.S.1 – Contemporary Art Center, Long Island City
Mexico: Expected/Unexpected. Collection Isabel and Agustín Coppel
La Maison Rouge, Paris, travelled to:
Stedelijk Museum Schiedam, Schiedam;
Espace de Création Contemporaine, Charleroi;
Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego - MCASD La Jolla, La Jolla, CA (catalogue)
When Lives Become Form
MOT Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo
Transformational grammars
Francesca Kaufmann, Milan
Galeria Mario Sequeira, Braga
Panorama da arte brasileira
Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo
Tropicália: A Revolution in Brazilian Culture
Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro (catalogue)
Alien Nation
Manchester Art Gallery, Manchester;
Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich (catalogue)
Alien Nation
ICA – Institute of Contemporary Arts, London (catalogue)
E-Flux Video Rental
Arthouse at the Jones Center, Austin
How to live together
27th Bienal de São Paulo
Pavilhâo Ciccillo Matarazzo, São Paulo (catalogue)
Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo
Carbonic Anhydride
Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin (catalogue)
Busy going crazy – the Sivio Perlstein collection
La Maison Rouge, Paris
Galeria dels Angels, Barcelona
Zones of Contact
15th Biennale of Sydney, Sydney
Tropicália: A Revolution in Brazilian Culture
Barbican Art Gallery, London;
The Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York (catalogue)
Tropicália: A Revolution in Brazilian Culture
Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago (catalogue)
E-Flux Video Rental
Portikus, Frankfurt/Main
Works on Paper
Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin (catalogue)
How Latitudes become Forms: Arte en la era global
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey, Monterrey
En Route: Via Another Route
Trans-Siberian Train, Moscow to Novosibirsk to Beijing
Harlem Postcards Fall 2004
The Studio Museum in Harlem, New York
How Latitudes Becomes Forms: Art in A Global Age
Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston
Special Projects
P.S.1 - Contemporary Art Center, Long Island City
Impermanêcia e Transitoriedade
Museu de Arte do Espírito Santo, Espírito Santo
Fragments and Souvenirs PAULISTANOS – VOL. 1
Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo
450 Years
Pinacoteca of São Paulo
8th Biennale Istanbul
Hagia Sophia Museum, Istanbul
Dreams and Conflicts: The Viewer's Dictatorship
50th Biennale di Venezia, Venice (catalogue)
How Latitudes Becomes Forms: Art in A Global Age
Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis
Exhibition of an Exhibition
Casey Kaplan Gallery, New York
Gasworks, London
Galeria Fortes Vilaça, São Paulo
Bahia de Todos os Santos
ifa- Insitut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Berlin; Bonn; Stuttgart
Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro
Caminhos do Contemporâneo 1952–2002
Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro
Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, São Paulo
25th Bienal de São Paulo, Pavilhão Ciccillo Matarazzo, São Paulo
Intimidade: Coletiva de Videoarte
Paço das Artes, São Paulo
POP Brasil
Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, São Paulo
Idéia Coletiva
Galeria Camargo Vilaça, São Paulo
O Fio da Trama
El Museo del Barrio, New York (catalogue)
Panorama da Arte Brasileira
Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, São Paulo;
Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro;
Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia, Salvador
Coleções II
Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo
Film do Milênio
Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, São Paulo
Terceira Semana Furlanetto
Espaço Cultural Fernando Arrigucci, São Paulo (catalogue)
Centro Cultural Light, Rio de Janeiro
26th Biennial of Pontevedra, Pontevedra (catalogue)
Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid
2nd Bienal Mercosul, Porto Alegre
Guarene Arte 99
Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin
Objetos Anos 90 Instituto Cultural Itaú, São PauloEspaço Bahia 2000
Casa Cor Bahia, Salvador
Os 90
Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro (catalgoue)
SESC Pompéia, São Paulo
Bienal da Gravura, Curitiba
1st Salão de Arte Pampulha, Belo Horizonte
Além do Arco Íris
Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado, São Paulo
Vista assim do Alto mais Parece um Céu no Chão
Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro
The Other Modernism
Das Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
6th Salão da Funart
Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro
Antartica Artes Com A Folha
Parque do Ibirapuera, São Paulo
Arte Construtora
Ilha da Pólvora, Porte Alegre
Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia, Salvador
3rd Bienal do Recôncavo
Centro Cultural Dannemann, São Felix
2nd Bienal do Recôncavo
Centro Cultural Dannemann, São Felix
Lateinamerika Woche
Bad Berleburg
1st Bienal do Recôncavo
Centro Cultural Dannemann, São Felix
Galerie Max Hetzler, Galeria Luisa Strina, Holzwarth Publications (Ed.): Marepe, Berlin, 2007
Museu de Arte da Pampulha (Ed.): Marepe, Belo Horizonte, 2005
Galeria Luisa Strina (Ed.): Marepe, São Paulo, 2002
Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (Ed.): Permission to Be Global. Latin American Art, Boston, 2014
Galerie Max Hetzler (Ed.): REMEMBER EVERYTHING : 40 Years Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin, 2014
Hans Werner Holzwarth (Ed.): Art Now Vol. 4, Köln, 2013
Adriano Pedrosa; Rodrigo Moura (Ed.): Inhotim, Câmara Brasileira do Livro, Brasil, 2008
Rosa Olivares (Ed.): 100 Latin American Artists, Madrid, 2007
Galerie Max Hetzler (Ed.): Carbonic Anhydride, Berlin, 2006
John Gill, Jens Hoffmann, Gilane Tawadros (Ed.): Alien Nation, ICA – Institute of Contemporary Arts et al., Ostfildern-Ruit, 2006
Fundação Bienal de São Paulo (Ed.): 27th Bienal de São Paulo. How to live together, São Paulo, 2006
Carlos Basualdo (Ed.): Tropicália. A Revolution in Brazilian Culture, Museum of Contemporary Art, São Paulo, 2005
Galerie Max Hetzler (Ed.): Works on Paper, Berlin, 2005
Iris Lenz (Ed.): Bahia de Todos os Santos. Schwarze Götter, weiße Heilige, ifa – Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart, 2002
Fátima Bercht (Ed.): O Fio da Trama / The thread unraveled. Contemporary Brazilian Art, El Museo del Barrio, New York, 2001
Fafá Noronha: Terceira Semana Fernando Furlanetto, Espaço Cultural Fernando Arrigucci, São Paulo, 2000
Fernando Cocchiarale: Os 90, Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro, 2000

Darren Almond, Glenn Brown, André Butzer, Rineke Dijkstra, Günther Förg, Mona Hatoum, Jeff Koons, Vera Lutter, Marepe, Beatriz Milhazes, Ernesto Neto, Frank Nitsche, Albert Oehlen, Yves Oppenheim, Richard Phillips, Michael Raedecker, Bridget Riley, Thomas Struth, Rebecca Warren, Christopher Wool, Toby Ziegler
Galerie Max Hetzler / Holzwarth Publications / Ridinghouse, Berlin and London 2014
With texts by Julie Sylvester and Jean-Marie Gallais
Edited by Jean-Marie Gallais
€ 45.00

Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin / Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo / Holzwarth Publications, Berlin 2007
With texts by Jens Hoffmann and Adriano Pedrosa
€ 50.00

Works on Paper
Franz Ackermann, Haluk Akakçe, Darren Almond, André Butzer, Günther Förg, Ellen Gallagher, Mona Hatoum, Arturo Herrera, Mike Kelley, Martin Kippenberger, Graham Little, Marepe, Beatriz Milhazes, Frank Nitsche, Albert Oehlen, Yves Oppenheim, Richard Phillips, Chloe Piene, Jorge Queiroz, Kara Walker, Christopher Wool
Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin 2005
With a text by Kirsty Bell
€ 35.00
Selected Press
Artforum International December 2019
New City Brasil October 2019
Graft Fruit April 2013
Frieze November 2005
Surface September 2003